Finalists of the Long Hair competition In London show off while waiting for
the results of the contest. The winner was Marie Benson (left), 43, whose hair is 71 inches long. Fourteen-year-old Tracey Blockwell finished second with 58.8 Inches of hair, and Melissa Gayler was the children's winner with hair measuring 28 inches.
Swaffham scoolgirl Tracey Blockwell missed winning the top place in the national final of a "Long & Lovely" Long Hair competition of the fashion magazine " HAIR ".
Traces flowing 58 inch mane earned her a place in the last tree of the competition but she was edged into second spot by Mrs Marie Benson of Guildford now picked up a 400 British pounds cash prize at the regent Crest Hotel, London, for 71 inches of hair.
Tracey Blockwell was urged to enter the competition by her mum, who plaits her blonde locks each morning.